
Secure Cryptographic Private Key Storage

In this section we describe Canton’s approach to securing the storage of cryptographic private keys. When enabled, we leverage a Key Management Service (KMS) to host an encryption key that is used to transparently encrypt the private keys before storing them. This way an attacker who has access to the database (e.g., a malicious database operator) cannot get access to the private keys from a Canton node, which would compromise the transaction privacy and integrity guarantees of Canton.


Canton uses cryptography in several ways to provide a secure, minimal trust platform. In Canton we distinguish between three types of keys: short-term, long-term, and permanent keys.

  • Short-term key: These are used to encrypt transaction payloads. The secrets for these keys are already transmitted and stored in an encrypted form, and used only once.
  • Long-term key: These are keys that are used for topology transaction signing, transaction protocol signing, and encryption of short-term key secrets.
  • Permanent key: A namespace root signing key is a permanent key. It cannot be rotated without losing the namespace, as the namespace is identified by the fingerprint of the signing key. This is an architectural feature.

Long-term and permanent keys are by default stored in clear. Canton can, if enabled, offer confidentiality at rest for these private keys. Short-term keys do not require additional protection because they are derived from a secret that is already transmitted and stored in an encrypted form using a long-term public encryption key.


  • The long-term keys must not be available on disk or in storage in a way that would allow someone with access to the storage to view/access the key.
  • The keys must not be part of Canton’s container images.
  • A key administrator can rotate both the KMS key and the long-term keys in Canton.
  • Historical contract data can be decrypted using old long-term, encrypted keys that have been superseded. No old long-term keys are used in future transactions.
  • Backup and subsequent restoration of the database of a participant node supports KMS key rotation and rotation of Canton’s long-term keys.
  • For high availability operation, Canton supports duplication of keys.


Confidentiality at runtime for the private keys is out of scope. This approach does not protect against an attacker that has privileged access to the node’s system and can inspect the memory.

Protect Private Keys With a Key Management Service

Canton can protect private keys by forcing them to be internally stored in an encrypted form so they can’t be decrypted and used to create fraudulent transactions. This protection at rest safeguards against malicious adversaries that get access to a node’s storage layer. Keys will only be decrypted when being used and stored in a memory cache for fast access. We currently make use of a KMS’s ability to securely perform this encryption/decryption of keys using a symmetric encryption key, which we call KMS wrapper key, without ever exposing it to the outside world, as it is backed by Hardware Security Modules (HSM) that move the crypto operations to a secure enclave.

KMS architecture

Directly encrypting the Canton private keys with a KMS wrapper key, i.e. envelope encryption, has multiple advantages compared to storing these keys in the KMS itself:

  • Reduces the impact on performance due to additional latency and the probability of throttling KMS API requests if the thresholds are exceeded.
  • Preserves Canton’s current key schemes, which remain flexible and easily modifiable. Not all KMS implementations offer modern and fast signing schemes such as Ed25519.

The confidentiality of the Canton private long-term and permanent keys depends on the access to the KMS wrapper key. The KMS must be locked down appropriately:

  • Export of the symmetric key must be forbidden.
  • Only authorized Canton nodes can use the wrapper key for decryption.
  • Usage of the wrapper key must be logged for auditability.
  • Separation of duties between the KMS operator and the database operator.

AWS KMS Integration

Canton currently makes use of AWS KMS to protect its private keys. The AWS KMS API is similar to a hardware security module (HSM) where cryptographic operations can be done within the KMS using the stored keys, without exposing them outside of the KMS.

Besides offering a secure platform to encrypt and decrypt Canton’s private keys the AWS, KMS also supports:

  • Enforcement of key usage/authorization policies;
  • Access to the key usage authorization logs;
  • Multi-region keys that allow for the replication of keys in multiple regions for disaster recovery;
  • Automatic rotation of KMS keys. Note that AWS KMS transparently selects the appropriate KMS key to decrypt so KMS keys can be safely rotated without any code changes.
AWS KMS Wrapper Key Rotation

AWS KMS offers two different ways to rotate keys, either automatically or manually. By default every key newly created by AWS is set for a yearly automatic rotation where only the key material is changed. The properties of the KMS key do not change and there is no need to re-encrypt the data with the newly rotated key. Management of different key versions is done seamlessly by AWS and no changes are necessary in Canton. We recommend the rotation of the underlying Canton long-term keys after the KMS key has been rotated. The rotation frequency is fixed and cannot be changed.

Manual rotation of wrapper keys requires creating a new KMS key and re-encrypting our data with it. Canton node administrators can request a manual rotation of the KMS wrapper key through the Canton console.

Satisfied Requirements

Our solution complies with all the previously mentioned requirements in the following ways:

  • The long-term keys must not be available on disk or in storage in a way that would allow someone with access to the storage to view/access the key.
    • The long-term and permanent keys are only stored in an encrypted form in the database. The corresponding encryption key is stored securely by the KMS in an HSM.
  • The keys must not be part of Canton’s container images.
    • The Canton private keys are stored in the database of the node and not in the container image. The wrapper key is stored in the external KMS. Credentials to access the KMS can be passed in via the environment when a container is created, the credentials must not be stored in the image.
  • A key administrator can both rotate the KMS key or long-term keys in Canton.
    • Canton already supports manual rotation of long-term keys.
    • Early access: Support of KMS key rotation based on AWS KMS automated annual key rotation.
    • Future support of manual KMS key rotation by re-encrypting the Canton private keys.
  • Historical contract data can be decrypted using old long-term, encrypted keys that have been superseded. No old long-term keys are used in future transactions.
    • Canton already supports rotation of long-term keys with a synchronized state on which keys are active across nodes as part of topology management.
  • Backup and subsequent restoration of the database of a participant node supports KMS key rotation and rotation of Canton’s long-term keys.
    • As long as the database and the wrapper key are available, backup and restoration are not impacted by key rotation. Furthermore, replicating a KMS key in multiple regions can also mitigate the impact of a failure in the primary region.
  • For high availability operation, Canton supports duplication of keys.
    • Canton supports AWS multi-region keys when enabled in the configuration, as well as when the operator manually creates the key and just configures the existing key id in Canton. Note: replicating keys to other regions is a manual process by the operator and not done automatically by Canton.

Resilience to Malicious Participants

The Canton architecture implements the Daml Ledger Model, which has the following properties to ensure ledger integrity:

  • Model conformance;
  • Signatory and controller authorization; and
  • Daml ledger consensus and consistency, which contributes the most to the resilience.

An overview is presented here for how the Canton run-time is resilient to a malicious participant with these properties.

The ledger API have been designed and tested to be resilient against a malicious application sending requests to a Canton participant node. The focus here is on resilience to a malicious participant.

Model Conformance

During interpretation, the Daml engine verifies that a given action for a set of Daml packages is one of the allowed actions by the party for a contract (i.e., it conforms to the model). For example in an IOU model, it is valid that the actor of a transfer action must be the same as the owner of the contract and invalid for a non–owner to attempt a transfer, because the IOU must only be transferred by the owner.

Signatory and Controller Authorization

During interpretation, the Daml engine verifies the authorization of ledger actions based on the signatories and actors specified in the model when compared with the party authorization in the submitter information of the command.

Daml Ledger Integrity

Canton architecture ensures the integrity of the ledger for honest participants despite the presence of malicious participants. The key ingredients to achieving integrity are the following:

  • Deterministic transaction validation to reach consensus;
  • Consistent transaction ordering and validation;
  • Consistency checks with at least one honest participant per signatory party; and
  • Using an authenticated data structure (generalized blinded Merkle tree) for transactions that balances consensus with privacy.

Deterministic Transaction Execution

The execution of Daml is deterministic even though there are multiple, distributed participant nodes: given a set of Daml packages that are identified by their content and a command (create or exercise), the result of a (sub-)transaction will always be the same for the involved participant nodes. This property is used by Canton to reach agreement on whether a submitted (sub-)transaction is valid or invalid – the agreement is a requirement for ledger integrity.

Consistent Transaction Ordering and Validation

Canton uses distributed conflict detection among the involved participant nodes to ensure integrity since, by design, there is no centralized component that knows the activeness of all contracts. Instead all involved participants process the transactions in the same order so that if two concurrent transactions consume the same contract only the first transaction consumes the contract and the other transaction fails (e.g., no double spend). This means that a failed consistency check does not necessarily mean the submitter was malicious; it may be the result of a race condition in the application to consume the same contract. The sequencer node guarantees that all messages are totally ordered timestamps.

The deterministic order is established with unique timestamps from the sequencer, which implements a guaranteed total order multicast; that is, the sequencer guarantees the delivery of an end-to-end encrypted message to all all recipients. The deterministic order of message delivery results in a deterministic order of execution which ensures ledger integrity.

For finality and bounded decision times of transactions, the sequencer is immutable and append-only. In the event of a timeout, the timeouts of transactions are consistently derived from the sequencer timestamps so that timeouts are deterministic as well.

The set of recipients on the sequencer message can be validated by a recipient to ensure that the other participants of the transaction have been informed as well (i.e., guaranteed communication). Otherwise the malicious submitter would break consensus, resulting in a loss of ledger integrity where participants hosting a signatory are not informed about a state change.

Consistency With at Least One Honest Participant per Signatory Party

Although participants can verify model conformance and authorization on their own as described in the previous sections, the consistency check needs at least one honest participant hosting a signatory party to ensure consistency. If all signatories of a contract are hosted by dishonest participants, a transaction may use a contract even when the contract is not active.

Authenticated Data Structure for Transactions

The hierarchical transactions are represented by an authenticated data structure in the form of a generalized blinded Merkle tree (see At a high level, the Merkle tree can be thought of like a blockchain in a tree format rather than a list. The Merkle tree is used to reach consensus on the hierarchical data structure while the blinding provides sub-transaction privacy. The mediator sees the shape of the transaction tree and who is involved, but no transaction payload. The entire transaction and Merkle tree is identified by its root hash. A recipient can verify the inclusion of an unblinded view by its hash in the tree. The mediator receives confirmations of a transaction for each view hash and aggregates the confirmations for the entire Merkle tree. Each participant can see all the hashes in the Merkle tree. If two participants have different hashes for the same node, the mediator will detect this and reject the transaction. The mediator also sees the number of participants involved so it can detect a missing or additional participant. The authenticated data structure ensures that participants process the same transaction and reach consensus.

Detection of Malicious Participants

In addition to the steps outlined above, the system has multiple approaches to detect malicious behavior and to keep evidence for further investigation:

  • Pairs of participants periodically exchange a commitment of the active contract set (ACS) for their mutual counterparties. This ensures that any diverging views between honest participants will be detected within the ACS commitment periods and participants can repair their mutual state.
  • Non-repudiation in the form of digital signatures enables honest participants to prove that they were honest and who was dishonest by preserving the signed responses of each participant.

Consensus & Transparency

Consensus and Transparency are high-level requirements that ensure that stakeholders are notified about changes to their projection of the virtual shared ledger and that they come to the same conclusions, in order to stay synchronized with their counterparties.

Operating on the Same Transaction

The Canton protocol includes the following steps to ensure that the mediator and participants can verify that they have obtained the same transaction tree given by its root hash:

  1. Every participant gets a “partially blinded” Merkle tree, defining the locations of the views they are privy to.
  2. That Merkle tree has a root. That root has a hash. That’s the root hash.
  3. The mediator receives a partially blinded Merkle tree, with the same hash.
  4. The submitting participant will send an additional “root hash message” in the same batch for each receiving participant. That message will contain the same hash, with recipients being both the participant and the mediator.
  5. The mediator will check that all participants mentioned in the tree received a root hash message and that all hashes are equal.
  6. The mediator sends out the result message that includes the verdict and root hash.

An important aspect of this process is that transaction metadata, such as a root hash message, is not end-to-end encrypted, unlike transaction payloads which are always encrypted. The exact same message is delivered to all recipients. In the case of the root hash message, both the participant and the mediator who are recipients of the message get the exact same message delivered and can verify that both are the recipient of the message.

Stakeholders Are Notified About Their Views

Imagine the following attack scenarios on the transaction protocol at the point where a dishonest submitter prepares views.

Scenario 1: Invalid View Common Data

The submitter should send a view V2 to Alice and Bob (because it concerns them both as they are signatories), but the dishonest submitter tells the mediator that view V2 only requires the approval of Bob, and only sends it to Bob’s participant. In this scenario both participants of Alice and Bob are honest.


The view common data is incorrect, because Alice is missing as an informee for the view V2. Given that Bob’s participant is honest, he will reject the view by sending a reject to the mediator in the case of a signatory confirmation policy and not commit the invalid view to his ledger as part of phase 7. The two honest participants Alice and Bob thereby do not commit this invalid view to their ledger.

Scenario 2: Missing Sequencer Message Recipient

The dishonest submitter prepares a correct view common data with Alice and Bob as informees, but the corresponding sequencer message for the view is only addressed to Bob’s participant. The confirmation policy does not require a confirmation from Alice’s participant, e.g., VIP confirmation policy. In this scenario both participants of Alice and Bob are honest.


The mitigation relies on the following two properties of the sequencer:

(1) The trust assumption is that the sequencer is honest and actually delivers a message to all designated recipients (2) A recipient learns the identities of recipients on a particular message from a batch if it is itself a recipient of that message

The Bob participant can decrypt the view and verify the stakeholders against the set of recipients on the sequencer message. The mapping between parties and participants is part of the topology state on the domain and therefore the resolution is deterministic across all nodes. Seeing that the Alice participant is not a recipient despite Alice being a signatory on the view, Bob’s participant will reject the view if it is a VIP participant; in any case, it will not commit the view as part of phase 7. The two honest participants Alice and Bob thereby do not commit this invalid view to their ledger.

Scenario 3: All Other Participants Dishonest

It is not required that the other participants besides Alice are honest. Let’s consider a variation of the previous scenario where both the submitter and Bob are dishonest. Again Alice’s participant node is not a recipient of a view message, although she is hosting a signatory. That means the view is not committed to the ledger of the honest participant Alice, because she has never seen it. Bob’s participant is dishonest and approves and commits the view, although it is malformed. However, the Canton protocol does not provide any guarantees on the ledger of dishonest participants.

Scenario 4: Invalid Encryption of View

A view is encrypted with a symmetric key and the secret to derive the symmetric key for a view is encrypted for each recipient of the view with their public encryption key. The dishonest submitter produces a correct view and a complete recipient list of the corresponding sequencer message, but encrypts the symmetric key secret for Alice with an invalid key. Alice’s participant will be notified about the view but unable to decrypt it.


If the Alice participant is a confirmer of the invalid encrypted view, which is the default confirmation policy for signatories, then she will reject the view because it is malformed and cannot be decrypted by her.

Currently the check by the other honest participant nodes that the symmetric key secret is actually encrypted with the public keys of the other recipients is missing and a documented limitation. We need to use a deterministic encryption scheme to make the encryption verifiable, which is currently not implemented.