
package version

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. version
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. sealed trait CantonVersion extends Ordered[CantonVersion] with PrettyPrinting

    Trait that represents how a version in Canton is modelled.

  2. final case class DomainProtocolVersion(version: ProtocolVersion) extends Product with Serializable

    Wrapper around a ProtocolVersion so we can verify during configuration loading that domain operators only configure a ProtocolVersion which is supported by the corresponding sequencer release.

  3. final case class EthereumContractVersion(major: Int, minor: Int, patch: Int, optSuffix: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    This class represents a revision of the Sequencer.sol contract.

  4. sealed trait HandshakeError extends AnyRef

    Trait for errors that are returned to clients when handshake fails.

  5. trait HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[ValueClass <: HasRepresentativeProtocolVersion, Context] extends HasProtocolVersionedWrapperCompanion[ValueClass]
  6. trait HasMemoizedProtocolVersionedWrapperCompanion[ValueClass <: HasRepresentativeProtocolVersion] extends HasProtocolVersionedWrapperCompanion[ValueClass]
  7. trait HasProtocolVersionedCompanion[ValueClass <: HasRepresentativeProtocolVersion] extends HasProtocolVersionedWrapperCompanion[ValueClass]
  8. trait HasProtocolVersionedSerializerCompanion[ValueClass <: HasRepresentativeProtocolVersion] extends HasProtocolVersionedWrapperCompanion[ValueClass]
  9. trait HasProtocolVersionedWithContextCompanion[ValueClass <: HasRepresentativeProtocolVersion, Context] extends HasProtocolVersionedWrapperCompanion[ValueClass]
  10. trait HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[ValueClass] extends HasRepresentativeProtocolVersion

    Trait for classes that can be serialized by using ProtoBuf.

    Trait for classes that can be serialized by using ProtoBuf. See "" for our guidelines on serialization.

    This wrapper is to be used when every instance can be tied to a single protocol version. Consequently, some attributes of the class may depend on the protocol version (e.g., the signature). The protocol version is then bundled with the instance and does not need to be passed to the toProtoVersioned, toByteString and getCryptographicEvidence methods.

    The underlying ProtoClass is com.digitalasset.canton.version.UntypedVersionedMessage but we often specify the typed alias com.digitalasset.canton.version.VersionedMessage instead.

  11. sealed trait HasProtocolVersionedWrapperCompanion[ValueClass] extends HasSupportedProtoVersions[ValueClass]
  12. trait HasRepresentativeProtocolVersion extends AnyRef
  13. trait HasSupportedProtoVersions[ValueClass] extends AnyRef

    This trait has the logic to store proto (de)serializers and retrieve them by protocol version.

  14. trait HasVersionedMessageCompanion[ValueClass] extends HasVersionedMessageCompanionCommon[ValueClass]

    Traits for the companion objects of classes that implement HasVersionedWrapper.

    Traits for the companion objects of classes that implement HasVersionedWrapper. Provide default methods.

  15. trait HasVersionedMessageCompanionCommon[ValueClass] extends AnyRef
  16. trait HasVersionedMessageCompanionDbHelpers[ValueClass <: HasVersionedWrapper[ValueClass]] extends AnyRef
  17. trait HasVersionedMessageWithContextCompanion[ValueClass, Ctx] extends HasVersionedMessageCompanionCommon[ValueClass]

    Traits for the companion objects of classes that implement HasVersionedWrapper.

    Traits for the companion objects of classes that implement HasVersionedWrapper. They provide default methods. Unlike HasVersionedMessageCompanion these traits allow to pass additional context to the conversion methods (see, e.g., which takes a HashOps parameter).

  18. trait HasVersionedToByteString extends AnyRef

    Trait for classes that can be serialized to a

    Trait for classes that can be serialized to a Typical use cases of toByteString include:

    • saving data in the database in serialized form (e.g. as in SequencedEvent)
    • encrypting data (e.g. as in Encryption.scala) *

    In some exceptional cases, we also convert an object to a ByteString before including it in a Proto message (e.g. ViewCommonData or Envelope)

    Classes that use Protobuf for serialization should implement HasVersionedWrapper instead. See "" for our guidelines on serialization.

  19. trait HasVersionedWrapper[ValueClass] extends HasVersionedToByteString

    Trait for classes that can be serialized by using ProtoBuf.

    Trait for classes that can be serialized by using ProtoBuf. See "" for our guidelines on serialization.

    This wrapper is to be used if a single instance needs to be serialized to different proto versions.

    The underlying ProtoClass is com.digitalasset.canton.version.UntypedVersionedMessage but we often specify the typed alias com.digitalasset.canton.version.VersionedMessage instead.

  20. final case class MinProtocolError(server: ProtocolVersion, clientMinimumProtocolVersion: Option[ProtocolVersion], clientSupportsRequiredVersion: Boolean) extends HandshakeError with Product with Serializable
  21. final case class ParticipantProtocolVersion(version: ProtocolVersion) extends Product with Serializable

    Wrapper around a ProtocolVersion so we can verify during configuration loading that participant operators only configure a minimum ProtocolVersion in com.digitalasset.canton.participant.config.LocalParticipantConfig which is supported by the corresponding participant release.

  22. final case class ProtoVersion(v: Int) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  23. final case class ProtocolVersion extends Ordered[ProtocolVersion] with PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    A Canton protocol version is a snapshot of how the Canton protocols, that nodes use to communicate, function at a certain point in time (e.g., this ‘snapshot’ contains the information what exactly a SubmissionRequest to the sequencer looks like and how exactly a Sequencer handles a call of the SendAsync RPC).

    A Canton protocol version is a snapshot of how the Canton protocols, that nodes use to communicate, function at a certain point in time (e.g., this ‘snapshot’ contains the information what exactly a SubmissionRequest to the sequencer looks like and how exactly a Sequencer handles a call of the SendAsync RPC). It is supposed to capture everything that is involved in two different Canton nodes interacting with each other.

    The protocol version is important for ensuring we meet our compatibility guarantees such that we can

    • update systems running older Canton versions
    • migrate data from older versions in the database
    • communicate with Canton nodes of different releases

    Two Canton nodes can interact if they can speak the same protocol version.

    For more details, please refer to the versioning documentation in the user manual.

  24. trait ProtocolVersionedCompanionDbHelpers[ValueClass <: HasProtocolVersionedWrapper[ValueClass]] extends AnyRef
  25. final case class ReleaseProtocolVersion(v: ProtocolVersion) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  26. final case class ReleaseVersion(major: Int, minor: Int, patch: Int, optSuffix: Option[String] = None) extends CantonVersion with Product with Serializable

    This class represent a release version.

    This class represent a release version. Please refer to the versioning documentation in the user manual for details.

  27. sealed abstract case class RepresentativeProtocolVersion[+ValueClass] extends PrettyPrinting with Product with Serializable

    See method representativeProtocolVersion below for more context

  28. final case class UntypedVersionedMessage(wrapper: Wrapper, version: Int) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[UntypedVersionedMessage] with Product with Serializable

    UntypedVersionedMessage is the generic wrapper for versioned messages The version is included in the version integer and the serialized message is contained in data.

    UntypedVersionedMessage is the generic wrapper for versioned messages The version is included in the version integer and the serialized message is contained in data.

    Internally, we use the typed alias VersionedMessage[ValueClass] to avoid the risk of confusion between different proto versioned messaged (see, e.g., the return type of the HasVersionedWrapper.toProtoVersioned method).

    The oneof prevents the serialized message to be empty if data is empty and version is 0 (the default value for an integer). Such an empty message cannot be deserialized using previous version of our parsing method.

  29. final case class VersionNotSupportedError(server: ProtocolVersion, clientSupportedVersions: Seq[ProtocolVersion]) extends HandshakeError with Product with Serializable
  30. type VersionedMessage[+M] = version.VersionedMessageImpl.VersionedMessage[M]
  31. sealed abstract class VersionedMessageImpl extends AnyRef

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
